Biedrage van DragonflySixtyseven
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Een gebruiker met 5 bewerkingen. Account aangemaakt op 6 fib 2010.
14 jan 2022
- 16:5614 jan 2022 16:56 vera hist +22 K Keuning Willem-Alexandertunnel (GR) File renamed: File:A2.JPG → File:A2 Highway in Maastricht.jpg this is not an A2 flight jacket
15 apr 2018
- 04:3015 apr 2018 04:30 vera hist +57 K Justus van Effen (GR) File renamed: File:Sprat.JPG → File:A History of the Royal Society, by Thomas Sprat (frontispiece).jpg this is not any of the many fish species called "Sprat"
10 sep 2016
- 12:5410 sep 2016 12:54 vera hist +9 K Herrebleujing (GR) File renamed: File:Intracerebral heamorrage.jpg → File:Intracerebral hemorrage (CT scan).jpg spelling
6 nov 2014
- 02:366 nov 2014 02:36 vera hist +10 K Lies van componiste (Script) File renamed: File:Spectormugshot2009.jpg → File:Phil Spector, mugshot (2009).jpg this is not a mugshot for Maurice Spector
27 aug 2014
- 22:2527 aug 2014 22:25 vera hist +7 K Waopes vaan Gelderland (Script) File renamed: File:Coat of arms of Bergh.svg → File:Coat of arms of s-Heerenberg.svg File renaming criterion #5: Correct obvious errors in file names (e.g. incorrect [[:en:Proper noun|pro...