Euverlèk:Mathieu Cordang
Het verhaal mbt Parijs Roubaix 1897 is onjuist. Cordangs achter wiel slipte niet weg. Hij draaide als 1e het velodrome op, maar werd ten val gebracht door supporters van Garin.
- 't Verhaol is ein vertaling oet 't gerefereerde book. Hiej is de originele Èngelsje versie hiejvan.
As the two champions appeared they were greeted by a frenzy of excitement and everyone was on their feet to acclaim the two heroes. It was difficult to recognise them. Garin was first, followed by the mud-soaked figure of Cordang. Suddenly, to the stupefaction of everyone, Cordang slipped and fell on the velodrome's cement surface. Garin could not believe his luck. By the time Cordang was back on his bike, he had lost 100 metres. There remained six laps to cover. Two miserable kilometres in which to catch Garin. The crowd held its breath as they watched the incredible pursuit match. The bell rang out. One lap, there remained one lap. 333 metres for Garin, who had a lead of 30 metres on the Batave. Pivos 11 apr 2010 22:36 (CEST)