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Van Wikipedia


[brón bewèrke]

't Artikel zeet tot polonium e metalloïed is. Dat vraog iech miech evels aof. 't Spöl gedreug ziech toch ech es metaol. D'n Ingelse Wikipedia zeet dat ouch: "Because of its position in the periodic table, polonium is sometimes classified as a metalloid. Other sources say that on the basis of its properties and behavior, it is 'unambiguously a metal'." Steinbach (euverlègk) 25 dec 2014 11:52 (CET)[reageren]

Den veuge v'r det efkes toe. --OosWesThoesBes (euverlègk) 25 dec 2014 12:16 (CET)[reageren]
Aafkomstig van Wikipedia, de Vriej Encyclopedie. "èk:Polonium&oldid=361580"