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Van Wikipedia

about the dialect

[brón bewèrke]

@Ortjens: people here dont speak Kleverlands, but usually de:Westfälische Dialekte > "Märkisches Platt" (part of the Nedersaksisch family), and – only in small western parts of the district – de:Bergische Dialekte > de:Ostbergisch (part of the Nederfrankisch family) or rather a mix between both.

Various dialect classifications can be used of course. Especially in Witten, the largest town of the district, also Ruhrdeutsch (not a real dialect) influences are important today (since 19th century). hope this helps. Holger1959 (euverlègk) 21 okt 2015 00:10 (CEST)[reageren]

Yes, it does, thank you! I will change it into Nedersaksisch which is the bigger umbrella for all the related dialects spoken in the Germanic North, south from Nordic Europe. However, please note your talk-page in which I explain why I do disagree with another edit you made.--Ortjens (euverlègk) 21 okt 2015 13:04 (CEST)[reageren]