Dit besjtandj kump van Wikimedia Commons en kin ouch in anger projekte gebroek waere.
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BesjrievingBeijing Daxing International Airport 13.jpg
I published this file as author under the Creative Commons License CC-by-SA-3.0.. This means that a ‘free use outside Wikimedia’s projects’ is only possible under the following conditions:
It is not sufficient to just mention my name. This is necessary in any case. Naming the author does not release from the obligation to properly license the photo. Also, a link to Wikipedia or Commons is not sufficient and counts as license violation.
If a mention in this form is not possible, please contact me before a planned use.
If possible, please link to my homepage: www.arne-mueseler.com
It is not sufficient to just mention my name. This is necessary in any case. Naming the author does not release from the obligation to properly license the photo. Also, a link to Wikipedia or Commons is not sufficient and counts as license violation.
A license notice by hovering over the file is not sufficient, as this is not displayed e.g. during mobile access. The license notice must always be visible.
I would be very grateful if you could send me a specimen copy of the photo/map or the details of the website where the photo/map will be used.
Basically, all my photos and maps can be licensed under the conditions of the Mittelstandsgemeinschaft Foto-Marketing (MFM).
Please send an email to lizenz AT arne-mueseler.de if you
need the photo or map in a higher resolution,
require my address for sending a specimen copy,
want to use the photo or map for a fee, i.e. not under the license specified,
Attribuusje – Geer mótj op 'n gepasdje meneer 'n naamsvermeljing make, 'ne link nao de licentie opgaeve, en aangaeve of g'r 't werk verangerd höb. Geer moog dit op eder raejelike meneer doon, meh neet zoea det 't liek ofwen de licentiegaever instump mit eur werk of eur gebroek van zie werk.
Deil gliek – Went geer dit werk geremix, verangerd of doorverwirk höb, mótj geer 't verangerd matterjaal verspreie ónger dezelfde licentie wie 't oersjprunkelik werk, of 'n licentie die daomit samegeit.
Dit besjtand bevat extra gegaeves, waorsjienlik door de digitale camera of scanner biegevoog. Es 't oersjprunkelik besjtand aangepas is, kin 't zeen dat sómmige details neet mie bie 't gewiezigde plaetje hure.